Introducing BimmerPod!
Welcome! BimmerPod is a new concept for sharing news, information, and opinion related to BMW automobiles. The concept came about due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most fun car things shut down for two years. Yikes!
It’s 2022, and it’s time to get BMW owners and lovers into the sunlight. So, I thought of implementing BimmerPod as a way to share the latest news and information – as well as some fun insight into what’s happening in BMW world.
The center of the concept is the podcast. BimmerPod will include discussion about BMWs in general, specific models, upgrades, track builds, events, and cool things BMW oriented.
The calendar is a fun place to find out what’s happening in the world of BMW. Events, dealer promotions, drives, and anything fun related to cars and BMWs can be listed here.

The survey is a very cool component of BimmerPod – This is your chance to share your opinion about how BMWs should be enjoyed – what you’d like to do with your BMW (events, drives, racing, etc.) and what your opinions about the “state of BMW in North America” might be. The information we gather will not be sold, but may be used to provide input to the BMW Car Club of American and/or BMW USA. Your personal identity will not be shared. Nope.
So, subscribe to the podcast. Listen on your way to work. Don’t listen while you’re enjoying a Saturday or Sunday run through the twisties. The sound of your car is all that you should be listening to in those moments.
Most of all, I hope you enjoy being here – and that you visit often.