About That Survey
As I’ve been talking to folks about BimmerPod, some have asked, “why are you creating surveys?” It’s a fair question, and there is a foundation for including it in our web environment – Feedback. In order for BimmerPod to reach the right audience, and to share the right kinds of stories, we need to understand what makes BMW owners and lovers think. What’s fun? What’s not fun? How do you drive? What should a BMW car club offer? Are you interested in other types of cars?

Overall, the surveys are designed as opportunities for you, the BMW guy or gal to sound off – to let us know what’s important to you. We’ll take that information, remove your name from the equation, and share the information with people who can move the BMW needle – from clubs to BMW NA.
The first survey will be launched in May, and it will be fairly short and designed to give us a baseline to develop future surveys. By the way, I’ve been involved in automobile research for nearly two decades, and I’m a development partner for a pretty remarkable automotive research firm. Who knows? Maybe this survey thing will get even more serious as time moves on.
Ultimately, it’s up to you!